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Moldy is a general-purpose molecular dynamics simulation program which
I wrote initially for my own research into aqueous solutions at
mineral surfaces.  However it is sufficiently flexible that it ought
to be useful for a wide range of simulation calculations of atomic,
ionic and molecular systems.

Files available are:

* moldy-2.6.tar.Z     - The Unix distribution (also for MSDOS)
*       - The VMS distribution
*   - The Manual in PostScript form.

The PostScript version of the manual is for those who don't have LaTeX
installed on their systems.  The distribution files already contain
the LaTeX source.

Please note that moldy is copyrighted and distributed under the GNU
public license which is designed to encourage its distribution and
modification.  This is to ensure that the source code of moldy and any
improvements made to it by anybody remains available to anyone who
wishes to use it.  If you change or improve Moldy, please tell me 
and if practical and appropriate I will incorporate your modifications
into a future release.  I hope that as time goes on Moldy will become
yet more comprehensiva as a result of your input.

I am also keeping a list of email addresses of anyone who uses the
program for notification of updates, bugs and so forth.  Please notify
me if you would like to be added to this list, preferably by email to
Modified: Tue Mar 1 17:00:00 1994 GMT
Page accessed 3105 times since Sat Apr 17 22:45:43 1999 GMT