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 * A class for writing text to a file. The class is a superset of
 * PrintWriter adding formatted output and integrated error checking.
 * Full documentation for the classes in the hsa package available at:
 * @author Tom West, Nathan Stevens
 * @version 1.5, April 29, 1999

import java.text.*;

public class TextOutputFile
     * The file name.
    private String fileName;

     * Streams used for the file
    private PrintWriter f = null;
    private RandomAccessFile r = null;
    private ByteArrayOutputStream b = null;
    private OutputStreamWriter o = null;

     * Set if the file has been closed.
    private boolean closed = false;

     * Indicator whether to write to standard output or a file.
    private boolean useStandardIO = false;

     * The line separator in files
    private String lineSeparator = System.getProperty ("line.separator");

     * Contructor - TextOutputFile to write to standard output.
    public TextOutputFile ()
	this ("Standard output");
    } // Constructor - TextOutputFile (void)

     * Contructor - TextOutputFile to write to a File.
     * @param file - File to be opened.
    public TextOutputFile (File file)
	this (file, false);
    } // Constructor - TextOutputFile (File)

     * Contructor - TextOutputFile to write or append to a File.
     * @param file - File to be opened.
     * @param append - True if file is to be appended to.
    public TextOutputFile (File file, boolean append)
	    if (append)
		r = new RandomAccessFile (file, "rw");
		b = new ByteArrayOutputStream ();
		o = new OutputStreamWriter (b); (r.length ());
		f = new PrintWriter (new FileWriter (file));
	catch (IOException e)
	    errPrint("Unable to open file \"" + fileName + "\"");
	    // Never reaches here
	this.fileName = file.getName ();
    } // Constructor - TextOutputFile (File, boolean)

     * Contructor - TextFile to write to file with specified name.
     * @param fileName - Name of the file to be opened.
    public TextOutputFile (String fileName)
	this (fileName, false);
    } // Constructor - TextOutputFile (String)

     * Contructor - TextFile to write or append to file with specified name.
     * @param fileName - Name of the file to be opened.
     * @param append - True if file is to be appended to.
    public TextOutputFile (String fileName, boolean append)
	if (fileName.equalsIgnoreCase ("standard output") ||
	    fileName.equalsIgnoreCase ("screen") ||
	    fileName.equalsIgnoreCase ("stdout"))
	    this.fileName = "Standard output";
	    useStandardIO = true;
		if (append)
		    r = new RandomAccessFile (fileName, "rw");
		    b = new ByteArrayOutputStream ();
		    o = new OutputStreamWriter (b); (r.length ());
		    f = new PrintWriter (new FileWriter (new File (fileName)));
	    catch (IOException e)
		errPrint("Unable to open file \"" + fileName + "\"");
		// Never reaches here
	    this.fileName = fileName;
    } // Constructor - TextOutputFile (String, boolean)

     * Close the file to further writing.
    public void close ()
	if (closed)
	    errPrint("\"" + fileName + "\" is already closed.");
	    // Never reaches here.

	// If writing to standard output, don't close standard out.
	if (useStandardIO)
	    useStandardIO = false;
	    if (f == null)
		    r.close ();
		    o.close ();
		    b.close ();
		catch (IOException e)
		    errPrint("Close failed: Unable to close \"" + fileName + "\"");
		    // Never reaches here.
		r = null;
		o = null;
		b = null;
		f.close ();
		if (f.checkError ())
		    errPrint("Close failed: Unable to close \"" + fileName + "\"");
		    // Never reaches here.
		f = null;

	closed = true;
    } // close (void)

    public boolean isStandardOut ()
	return (useStandardIO);

     * Write the text representation of an 8-bit integer (a "byte") to
     * the file.
     * @param number The number to be written to the file.
    public void print (byte number)
	print ((int) number);
    } // print (byte)

     * Write the text representation of an 8-bit integer (a "byte")
     * to the file with a specified field size.
     * @param number The number to be written to the file.
     * @param fieldSize The field width that the number is to be written in.
    public void print (byte number, int fieldSize)
	print ((int) number, fieldSize);
    } // print (byte, int)

     * Write a character to the file.
     * @param ch The character to be written to the file.
    public void print (char ch)
	print (String.valueOf (ch));
    } // print (char)

     * Write a character to the file with a specified field size..
     * @param ch The character to be written to the file.
     * @param fieldSize The field width that the character is to be written in.
    public void print (char ch, int fieldSize)
	String charStr = String.valueOf (ch);
	StringBuffer padding = new StringBuffer ();

	for (int cnt = 0 ; cnt < fieldSize - charStr.length () ; cnt++)
	    padding.append (' ');
	print (charStr + padding);
    } // print (char, int)

     * Write a double precision floating point number (a "double") to
     * the file.
     * @param number The number to be written to the file.
    public void print (double number)
	print (String.valueOf (number));
    } // print (double)

     * Write a double precision floating point number (a "double") to
     * the file with a specified field size.
     * @param number The number to be written to the file.
     * @param fieldSize The field width that the number is to be written in.
    public void print (double number, int fieldSize)
	double posValue = Math.abs (number);
	int placesRemaining = fieldSize;
	String format = null, numStr;
	StringBuffer padding = new StringBuffer ();

	if (number < 0)
	    placesRemaining--;                 // Space for the minus sign
	if (posValue < 10.0)
	    format = "0";
	else if (posValue < 100.0)
	    format = "00";
	else if (posValue < 1000.0)
	    format = "000";
	else if (posValue < 10000.0)
	    format = "0000";
	else if (posValue < 100000.0)
	    format = "00000";
	else if (posValue < 1000000.0)
	    format = "000000";
	else if (posValue < 10000000.0)
	    format = "0000000";
	else if (posValue < 100000000.0)
	    format = "00000000";

	if (format == null)
	    // We're using scientific notation
	    numStr = String.valueOf (number);
	    // Add a decimal point, if there's room
	    placesRemaining -= format.length ();
	    if (placesRemaining > 0)
		format = format + ".";

	    // For any addition room, add decimal places
	    for (int cnt = 0 ; cnt < placesRemaining ; cnt++)
		format = format + "#";

	    // Convert the number
	    NumberFormat form = new DecimalFormat (format);
	    numStr = form.format (number);

	// If the number is not long enough, pad with spaces
	for (int cnt = 0 ; cnt < fieldSize - numStr.length () ; cnt++)
	    padding.append (' ');
	print (padding + numStr);
    } // print (double, int)

     * Write a double precision floating point number (a "double") to
     * the file with a specified field size and a specified number of
     * decimal places.
     * @param number The number to be written to the file.
     * @param fieldSize The field width that the number is to be written in.
     * @param decimalPlaces The number of decimal places of the number
     *    to be displayed.
    public void print (double number, int fieldSize, int decimalPlaces)
	double posValue = Math.abs (number);
	int placesRemaining = fieldSize;
	String format = null, numStr;
	StringBuffer padding = new StringBuffer ();

	if (number < 0)
	    placesRemaining--;                 // Space for the minus sign
	if (posValue < 10.0)
	    format = "0";
	else if (posValue < 100.0)
	    format = "00";
	else if (posValue < 1000.0)
	    format = "000";
	else if (posValue < 10000.0)
	    format = "0000";
	else if (posValue < 100000.0)
	    format = "00000";
	else if (posValue < 1000000.0)
	    format = "000000";
	else if (posValue < 10000000.0)
	    format = "0000000";
	else if (posValue < 100000000.0)
	    format = "00000000";

	if (Math.abs (number) >= 100000000.0)
	    // We're using scientific notation
	    numStr = String.valueOf (number);
	    format = "0.";

	    // For any addition room, add decimal places
	    for (int cnt = 0 ; cnt < decimalPlaces ; cnt++)
		format = format + "0";

	    // Convert the number
	    NumberFormat form = new DecimalFormat (format);
	    numStr = form.format (number);

	// If the number is not long enough, pad with spaces
	for (int cnt = 0 ; cnt < fieldSize - numStr.length () ; cnt++)
	    padding.append (' ');
	print (padding + numStr);
    } // print (double, int, int)

     * Write a floating point number (a "float") to the file.
     * @param number The number to be written to the file.
    public void print (float number)
	print (String.valueOf (number));
    } // print (float)

     * Write a floating point number (a "float") to
     * the file with a specified field size.
     * @param number The number to be written to the file.
     * @param fieldSize The field width that the number is to be written in.
    public void print (float number, int fieldSize)
	print ((double) number, fieldSize);
    } // print (float, int)

     * Write a floating point number (a "double") to the file with a
     * specified field size and a specified number of decimal places.
     * @param number The number to be written to the file.
     * @param fieldSize The field width that the number is to be written in.
     * @param decimalPlaces The number of decimal places of the number
     *    to be displayed.
    public void print (float number, int fieldSize, int decimalPlaces)
	print ((double) number, fieldSize, decimalPlaces);
    } // print (float, int, int)

     * Write the text representation of an 32-bit integer (an "int") to
     * the file.
     * @param number The number to be written to the file.
    public void print (int number)
	print (String.valueOf (number));
    } // print (int)

     * Write the text representation of an 32-bit integer (an "int")
     * to the file with a specified field size.
     * @param number The number to be written to the file.
     * @param fieldSize The field width that the number is to be written in.
    public void print (int number, int fieldSize)
	String numStr = String.valueOf (number);
	StringBuffer padding = new StringBuffer ();

	for (int cnt = 0 ; cnt < fieldSize - numStr.length () ; cnt++)
	    padding.append (' ');
	print (padding + numStr);
    } // print (int, int)

     * Write the text representation of an 64-bit integer (a "long") to
     * the file.
     * @param number The number to be written to the file.
    public void print (long number)
	print (String.valueOf (number));
    } // print (long)

     * Write the text representation of an 64-bit integer (a "long")
     * to the file with a specified field size.
     * @param number The number to be written to the file.
     * @param fieldSize The field width that the number is to be written in.
    public void print (long number, int fieldSize)
	String numStr = String.valueOf (number);
	StringBuffer padding = new StringBuffer ();

	for (int cnt = 0 ; cnt < fieldSize - numStr.length () ; cnt++)
	    padding.append (' ');
	print (padding + numStr);
    } // print (long, int)

     * Write a string to the file.
     * @param text The string to be written to the file.
    public void print (String text)
	// Convert newline to line separators, if necessary.
	if (!useStandardIO)
	    int newLinePosition = 0;
	    while (text.indexOf ('\n', newLinePosition) != -1)
		newLinePosition = text.indexOf ('\n', newLinePosition);
		text = text.substring (0, newLinePosition) + lineSeparator +
		    text.substring (newLinePosition + 1);
		newLinePosition += lineSeparator.length ();

	// Check if stream already closed.
	if (closed)
	    errPrint("Write failed: \"" + fileName + "\" is already closed.");
	    // Never reaches here.

	if (useStandardIO)
	    // Sending output to stdout.
	    System.out.print (text);
	    System.out.flush ();

	    if (System.out.checkError ())
		errPrint("Write failed: Unable to write to \"" + fileName + "\"");
		// Never reaches here.
	    if (f == null)
		    o.write (text, 0, text.length ());
		    o.flush ();
		    byte [] z = b.toByteArray ();
		    r.write (b.toByteArray ());
		catch (IOException e)
		   errPrint("Write failed: Unable to write to \"" + fileName + "\"");
		    // Never reaches here.
		b.reset ();
		// Sending output to PrintWriter
		f.print (text);

		if (f.checkError ())
		    errPrint("Write failed: Unable to write to \"" + fileName + "\"");
		    // Never reaches here.
    } // print (String)

     * Write a string to the file with a specified field size..
     * @param text The string to be written to the file.
     * @param fieldSize The field width that the string is to be written in.
    public void print (String text, int fieldSize)
	StringBuffer padding = new StringBuffer ();

	for (int cnt = 0 ; cnt < fieldSize - text.length () ; cnt++)
	    padding.append (' ');
	print (text + padding);
    } // print (String, int)

     * Write the text representation of an 16-bit integer (a "short") to
     * the file.
     * @param number The number to be written to the file.
    public void print (short number)
	print ((int) number);
    } // print (short)

     * Write the text representation of an 16-bit integer (a "short")
     * to the file with a specified field size.
     * @param number The number to be written to the file.
     * @param fieldSize The field width that the number is to be written in.
    public void print (short number, int fieldSize)
	print ((int) number, fieldSize);
    } // print (short, int)

     * Write the text representation of a boolean to the file.
     * @param value The boolean to be written to the file.
    public void print (boolean value)
	print (String.valueOf (value));
    } // print (boolean)

     * Write the text representation of a boolean to the file with a
     * specified field size.
     * @param value The boolean to be written to the file.
     * @param fieldSize The field width that the boolean is to be written in.
    public void print (boolean value, int fieldSize)
	String boolStr = String.valueOf (value);
	StringBuffer padding = new StringBuffer ();

	for (int cnt = 0 ; cnt < fieldSize - boolStr.length () ; cnt++)
	    padding.append (' ');
	print (boolStr + padding);
    } // print (boolean, int)

     * Write a newline to the file.
    public void println ()
	print ("\n");
    } // println (void)

     * Write the text representation of an 8-bit integer (a "byte") to
     * the file followed by a newline.
     * @param number The number to be written to the file.
    public void println (byte number)
	print (number);
	print ("\n");
    } // println (byte)

     * Write the text representation of an 8-bit integer (a "byte")
     * to the file with a specified field size followed by a newline.
     * @param number The number to be written to the file.
     * @param fieldSize The field width that the number is to be written in.
    public void println (byte number, int fieldSize)
	print (number, fieldSize);
	print ("\n");
    } // println (byte, int)

     * Write a character to the file followed by a newline.
     * @param ch The character to be written to the file.
    public void println (char ch)
	print (ch);
	print ("\n");
    } // println (char)

     * Write a character to the file with a specified field size..
     * @param ch The character to be written to the file.
     * @param fieldSize The field width that the character is to be written in.
    public void println (char ch, int fieldSize)
	print (ch, fieldSize);
	print ("\n");
    } // print (char, int)

     * Write a double precision floating point number (a "double") to
     * the file followed by a newline.
     * @param number The number to be written to the file.
    public void println (double number)
	print (number);
	print ("\n");
    } // println (double)

     * Write a double precision floating point number (a "double") to
     * the file with a specified field size followed by a newline.
     * @param number The number to be written to the file.
     * @param fieldSize The field width that the number is to be written in.
    public void println (double number, int fieldSize)
	print (number, fieldSize);
	print ("\n");
    } // println (double, int)

     * Write a double precision floating point number (a "double") to
     * the file with a specified field size and a specified number of
     * decimal places followed by a newline.
     * @param number The number to be written to the file.
     * @param fieldSize The field width that the number is to be written in.
     * @param decimalPlaces The number of decimal places of the number
     *    to be displayed.
    public void println (double number, int fieldSize, int decimalPlaces)
	print (number, fieldSize, decimalPlaces);
	print ("\n");
    } // println (double, int, int)

     * Write a floating point number (a "float") to the file followed by
     * a newline.
     * @param number The number to be written to the file.
    public void println (float number)
	print (number);
	print ("\n");
    } // println (float)

     * Write a floating point number (a "float") to the file with a
     * specified field size followed by a newline.
     * @param number The number to be written to the file.
     * @param fieldSize The field width that the number is to be written in.
    public void println (float number, int fieldSize)
	print (number, fieldSize);
	print ("\n");
    } // println (float, int)

     * Write a floating point number (a "double") to the file with a
     * specified field size and a specified number of decimal places
     * followed by a newline.
     * @param number The number to be written to the file.
     * @param fieldSize The field width that the number is to be written in.
     * @param decimalPlaces The number of decimal places of the number
     *    to be displayed.
    public void println (float number, int fieldSize, int decimalPlaces)
	print (number, fieldSize, decimalPlaces);
	print ("\n");
    } // println (float, int, int)

     * Write the text representation of an 32-bit integer (an "int") to
     * the file followed by a newline.
     * @param number The number to be written to the file.
    public void println (int number)
	print (number);
	print ("\n");
    } // println (int)

     * Write the text representation of an 32-bit integer (an "int")
     * to the file with a specified field size followed by a newline.
     * @param number The number to be written to the file.
     * @param fieldSize The field width that the number is to be written in.
    public void println (int number, int fieldSize)
	print (number, fieldSize);
	print ("\n");
    } // println (int, int)

     * Write the text representation of an 64-bit integer (a "long") to
     * the file followed by a newline.
     * @param number The number to be written to the file.
    public void println (long number)
	print (number);
	print ("\n");
    } // println (long)

     * Write the text representation of an 64-bit integer (a "long")
     * to the file with a specified field size followed by a newline.
     * @param number The number to be written to the file.
     * @param fieldSize The field width that the number is to be written in.
    public void println (long number, int fieldSize)
	print (number, fieldSize);
	print ("\n");
    } // println (long, int)

     * Write a string to the file followed by a newline.
     * @param text The string to be written to the file.
    public void println (String text)
	print (text);
	print ("\n");
    } // print (String)

     * Write a string to the file with a specified field size followed by
     * a newline.
     * @param text The string to be written to the file.
     * @param fieldSize The field width that the string is to be written in.
    public void println (String text, int fieldSize)
	print (text, fieldSize);
	print ("\n");
    } // println (String, int)

     * Write the text representation of an 16-bit integer (a "short") to
     * the file followed by a newline.
     * @param number The number to be written to the file.
    public void println (short number)
	print (number);
	print ("\n");
    } // println (short)

     * Write the text representation of an 16-bit integer (a "short")
     * to the file with a specified field size followed by a newline.
     * @param number The number to be written to the file.
     * @param fieldSize The field width that the number is to be written in.
    public void println (short number, int fieldSize)
	print (number, fieldSize);
	print ("\n");
    } // println (short, int)

     * Write the text representation of a boolean to the file followed
     * by a newline.
     * @param value The boolean to be written to the file.
    public void println (boolean value)
	print (value);
	print ("\n");
    } // println (boolean)

     * Write the text representation of a boolean to the file with a
     * specified field size followed by a newline.
     * @param value The boolean to be written to the file.
     * @param fieldSize The field width that the boolean is to be written in.
    public void println (boolean value, int fieldSize)
	print (value, fieldSize);
	print ("\n");
    } // println (boolean, int)

   private void errPrint(String s)
} /* TextOutputFile class */

Modified: Mon May 24 17:39:20 1999 GMT
Page accessed 2917 times since Wed Feb 5 11:39:37 2003 GMT