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ImageMagick - How You Can Help
[Image Magick]

I volunteer my time to develop and maintain ImageMagick. However, I can't do it alone. I am looking for other volunteers to help make ImageMagick even better. Here is a list of tasks you can do to contribute to this effort:
  • The Perl interface to libMagick is complete. We need a volunteer to port it to NT.

  • Contribute a PerlMagick script that others might find useful.

  • Write an write an interface between Python or Tcl/Tk and libMagick.

  • Write a program that calls the ImageMagick ReadImage routine and displays the image in a native window on the Macintosh or Windows NT.

  • Port ReadPICTImage in decode.c to read PICT images on the Macintosh.

  • Write a special effect routine such as page curl or image mosaic.

  • Improve the ImageMagick documentation. The most useful improvement would be a HTML section that describes how to perform some of the more useful ImageMagick functions with actual images to illustrate the results.

  • Send me bug reports or any suggestions you have for improving ImageMagick.

[home page] Image manipulation software that works like magic.

Modified: Tue May 20 14:25:36 1997 GMT
Page accessed 4361 times since Sat Apr 17 22:04:13 1999 GMT