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XBSA - X windows Ball-and-Stick Program by M. Methfessel Nov. 1995 with
small additions by Jan Labanowski, 1997

This manual is based in large part on the original README file written by
the original author: Michael Methfessel,, Institute
for Semiconductor Physics, PO Box 409, D-15204 Frankfurt (Oder), Germany.
Jan Labanowski ( introduced some new commands and written the
HTML version of the manual. If in doubt, look up the original README file

The XBSA program is a derivative of the original XBS program and contains
few extensions which allow animation of a series of frames and option to
query geometry (distances, angles, and coordinates). It displays Ball and
Stick figures of molecules under X-window system. It is fairly portable,
small, and what is more important, it comes with the source code which is
available under GNU Public License. Therefore it is free, and without many
restrictions -- except, you cannot resell it, but you can modify it, and
redistribute it for free. If you do not see a binary for your machine in the
bin directory (or if the binary does not work) try to compile it. The
(instructions (file INSTALL) are provided in the source directory

File Formats

XBS uses its own format for representing molecules. It is simple and much
more flexible than other formats in use. You have more flexibility to
highlight specific atoms or bonds with different colors by editing the input
file. The utility (written by Jan Labanowski) is provided to convert the
popular XYZ XMol format to the format required by XBS

The XBS may use one or two files with the same base name, but different
extensions, .bs, and .mv respectively. It is called as:
     xbsa filename
where filename is a file name without extension. The .bs file always needs
to be present. It contains the following sections:

   * atom coordinates,
   * atom specifications (symbol, radius, and color for each atom),
   * list of different bonds
   * optionally list of commands to modify the program action.


* ch3ohv.OUT   -113.54919315
atom   C      0.050065    0.665047    0.000000
atom   O      0.050065   -0.767876    0.000000
atom   H     -0.912101   -1.005927    0.000000
atom   H      1.090132    0.995415    0.000000
atom   H     -0.439468    1.081620    0.886605
atom   H     -0.439468    1.081620   -0.886605

spec   C   0.495   0.18  0.31  0.31
spec   O   0.405   0.80  0.36  0.36
spec   H   0.375   0.97  0.97  1.00

bonds  C   O   0.150   2.250   0.15   0.50
bonds  C   H   0.109   1.635   0.11   0.50
bonds  O   H   0.105   1.575   0.11   0.50

Lines which start with asterisk * are treated as comments and you can also
use empty lines for better readability. While units of length are assumed to
be Angstroms, they actually need not be, if you use other units
consistently. Also, the symbols need not be chemical element symbols, but
all symbols need to be defined in the .bs file.

Lines starting with atom tag have a general format:
     atom symbol X Y Z
and provide atom symbol and Cartesian coordinates for each atom in the

Lines with spec tag have a format:
    spec symbol color
and provide information how atoms with a given symbol should be displayed.
The first number is the radius of a ball for a given atom symbol. The last
portion of the line provides color for this atom. The color can be specified
as a degree of white (0 - white, 1 - black), the triple of numbers
representing RGB (Red, Green, Blue) components of color, or the official X11
windows color name as given in /usr/lib/X11/rgb.txt on your system). So the
entry for oxygen, O, in the above example could have been also as:

spec   O   0.405   0.80

which would be a gray oxygen atom, or

spec   0   0.405   IndianRed

which represents the same color as

spec   O   0.405   0.80  0.36  0.36

original entry.

The bonds lines have a general format of:
    bond symbol1 symbol2 min max radius color
and entries denote:

   * symbol1, symbol2 -- the atom symbols which form the bond. Note that by
     denoting some atoms with special symbols, you can create special
     effects for them even if there are other bonds between these elements
     in the molecule,
   * min bond length, max bond length -- only bonds whose length is within
     this range are displayed,
   * radius of a cylinder representing the bond,
   * color -- specified in the same manner as for atom specs as described

The XBSA program checks if the file exists, and if not, program
exits with error. Then it checks if the (move file) is present. The contains additional frames which can be used for animation. Its
format is much simpler than the The frames are represented by the
list of Cartesian coordinates in exactly the same order as in the
file but without any other information. Each frame begins from the line
starting with the word frame followed by optional comment. You can list
several triples of Cartesian coordinates on the same line, or each number on
a separate line. For example, the 2 frames which corresponds to the .bs
example above could be:

frame    * ch3ohv.5 step 1
   0.0717     0.6629     0.0000
   0.0349    -0.7571     0.0000
  -0.8753    -1.1941     0.0000
   1.0858     1.0819     0.0000
  -0.4589     1.0730     0.8671
  -0.4589     1.0730    -0.8671
frame    * ch3ohv.5 step 2
   0.0912     0.6609
   0.0000     0.0213    -0.7473     0.0000
  -0.8422    -1.3639     0.0000     1.0819     1.1600     0.0000
  -0.4765     1.0652     0.8496    -0.4765
   1.0652    -0.8496

XBSA command line options

There are several options which can be entered on the command line:

   * -hh long help
   * -geo WIDTHxHEIGHT+/-XOFF+/-YOFF is analogous to the standard xview
     option available in Xwindow system. It provides the size if the window
     in pixels (WIDTH and HEIGHT) and offsets (in pixels) of the window on
     the screen(XOFF and YOFF). Positive XOFF specifies the distance of the
     left edge of the window from the left edge of the display. Negative
     XOFF is the distance of right edge of the window from the right edge of
     the display. Positive YOFF is the distance of the top edge of the
     window from the top edge of the display, and negative YOFF gives
     distance from the bottom of the distance to the bottom of the window.
   * -sc x scales the initial image by x (you can resize it later) which can
     be smaller or larger than 1.0.
   * -t title provides the title (displayed on its upper frame) for the
     window. If title contains spaces, be sure to embrace it with single or
     double quotes.
   * -color Use color for display (it is a default).
   * -bw Use black and white, and shades of gray to represent color.
   * -rv Reverse colors given in the atom/bond type definitions.
   * -autocolor Choose own colors (i.e., disregard colors from your input
     file and use colors which are automatically assigned by XBSA.

XBSA keyboard commands

There are two modes for entering commands in XBSA:

   * Input line mode which allows you to enter longer commands and
     parameters. This mode is initiated by a keystroke i on the keyboard.
     When you strike i the prompt will appear in the window asking for
     input. If you are in the line input mode, you can also retrieve the
     previous commands by using keypad cursor keys. The following keyboard
     commands implemented:
     help topic
          provides help on a given topic (if available).
     inc n
          change the rotation increment to n degrees (default increment is
          90 degrees, i.e., orthogonal views).
     time n
          enter time (in milliseconds) for how long each frame should stay
          on the screen during animation (default is 200 ms).
     pos x y
          move the molecule by x and y pixels at current view (negative
          values move left/down, positive right/up). To return to original
          position type pos 0 0.
     dpos x
          set shift increment to x when using keypad 2468 keys.
     dist d
          set distance from the molecule to the observer (i.e., plane of the
          screen). Has effect only when perspective is requested with the p
     rfac fac
          scale all atomic radii by a factor fac (e.g., 0.5 or 1.5).
     bfac fac
          this scales the diameter of cylinders representing bonds by the
          factor suppled (e.g., 0.5 or 1.0).
     scale fac
          scales the plot, but this time the factor is given in %, i.e.,
          scale 50 will make the molecule occupy 50% of the page, and scale
          100 will make it occupy the whole page.
     gramp slope midpoint
          available only in b/w mode, assigns different shades of gray
          depending on the distance of the atom from the observer.
     light x y z
          provides position of light source. The atoms closer to the light
          source a lighter, and the ones further from it are darker
     step n
          every n-th frame will be shown during frame scan with [ and ]
          keystrokes or animations with C or A.
     dup x y z
          duplicates all atoms shifted by increments x, y, and z.
     cut x y z a b
          planar cat. The atoms which are contained between planes at
          position a and b along vector given by x, y, and z are deleted.
     frm n
          go to frame n.
     color pat color
          query the color (if color is not given), or change the color by
          providing color. For example
              color C*
          will list the color chosen for carbon atoms, and
              color C* blue (or color C* 0 0 1)
          will change all carbon atoms to the blue color.
     save fname
          save current settings in files and (if more than
          one frame). The include all the information about
          modification made to the molecule interactively.
     update fname
          read in the and (if present) replacing the
          previous molecule data. The updateaccepts options, e.g.: update
          +rv will switch off reversing, update -rv will switch reversing
          on, and update -bw will read but the file but switch to a black
          and white mode.
     print fname
          saves the PostScript picture of current view of the molecule in
          the file The PostScript picture can be annotated
          automatically by XBSA by providing option -T, e.g., print -T
          mymol, or you can place your own title for the picture by using
          the -t 'my own title' option, e.g.,
          print -t 'This is the famous water molecule' h2o
          which will place the picture and your text in the file. You
          can print several frames to the same file (e.g. different
          orientations or an orthogonal view in different color/wireframe
          representation (keystroke l), however, after you are done with
          printing to a file, you need to close the file with a close
          command. When you print to the closed print file again, you will
          overwrite its original contents -- be careful.
          close the print file. When you print to this file again after
          closing it, its contents will be overwritten.
   * Keystroke mode in which certain active keys perform specific functions
     (KP means a key on the keypad).
        o i -- activate input line
        o h -- show/hide help screen (tip: to read help you may need to
          shrink your molecule with - or move it around).
        o space -- show/hide information about settings and molecule.
        o cursor -- cursor arrows on the keypad rotate molecule out of plane
          (up/down, left/right). You can change rotation increment by using
          inc d command.
        o , . -- rotate molecule in plane.
        o + - -- enlarge/shrink your molecule (zoom).
        o KP: 8 6 4 2 -- translate molecule up, right, left, down by using
          keypad keys in numerical keypad mode.
        o KP: 7 -- shift molecule to home position.
        o KP: * -- set home position (you can return to it by KP:7).
        o r -- redraw the screen.
        o n -- toggle atom numbers, symbols, no symbols.
        o c -- show/hide XYZ coordinates of atoms
        o N -- show/hide bond lengths.
        o w -- wire/ball mode.
        o g -- gray/bw.
        o b -- show/erase bonds.
        o l -- bonds as cylinders/lines.
        o p -- perspective (off, pseudo, true)
        o a -- show/hide axes (100-X, 010-Y, 001-Z)
        o s -- line shadows on/off
        o x -- pixmap buffer.
        o d D -- distance to screen (d -- far, D -- closer)
        o ] [ -- step frames forward and backwards.
        o A -- animate 1,2,..N,1,2,3...
        o C -- animate 1,2,..N,N-1,N-2...
        o < > -- animate backwards or forward -- useful with A type
              < -- N,N-1,N-2...2,1,N,N-1...
              > -- 1,2,3...N-1,N,1,2,3...
        o { } -- to to first/last frame.
        o \ | -- mark(\) frame, goto(|) to marked frame.
        o U -- update from currently opened input file.
        o Q -- quit.
Modified: Wed Jul 9 16:00:00 1997 GMT
Page accessed 5336 times since Sat Apr 17 22:05:14 1999 GMT