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From:  Anthony P Scott <Anthony.Scott "-at-">
Date:  Thu, 19 Oct 1995 16:48:52 +1000 (EST)
Subject:  Re: CCL:G:G94: relaxed potential scan

From:  peon.,at, (Per-Ola Norrby)
Date:  Thu, 19 Oct 1995 09:15:48 +0100
Subject:  Re: CCL:G:G94: relaxed potential scan

From:  Craig Taverner <craig %! at !%>
Date:  Thu, 19 Oct 1995 10:19:21 +0200 (GMT+0200)
Subject:  Re: CCL:Volume of a molecule with and without a solvation shell?

From:  Marek Strajbl <strajbl (+ at +)>
Date:  Thu, 19 Oct 95 13:11:21 MESZ
Subject:  g94 manual ISBN

From:  Stephen Little <sbl : at :>
Date:  Thu, 19 Oct 95 07:51:05 -0400
Subject:  ab initio (Gaussian) optimization summary

From:  smb - at - (Steven Bachrach)
Date:  Thu, 19 Oct 95 11:56:15 -0500
Subject:  ECCC2 Update