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From:  Yubo Fan <yubofan $#at#$>
Date:  Fri, 01 May 1998 08:59:29 +0800
Subject:  Is it possible to display ferrocene by PDB file?

From:  Gabriel Balint-Kurti <Gabriel.Balint-Kurti : at :>
Date:  Sat, 2 May 1998 20:39:24 +0100 (BST)
Subject:  MOLEC Conference - Registration Deadline

From:  "Renato Rovito" <rrovito()at()>
Date:  Mon, 4 May 1998 12:15:04 +0000
Subject:  Lipid Membrane Model

From:  "Dimitris K. Agrfiotis" <dimitris : at :>
Date:  Mon, 4 May 1998 10:28:01 -0400
Subject:  Knotted molecules?

From:  Howard Alper <heacm - at ->
Date:  Mon, 04 May 1998 11:51:21 -0500
Subject:  Re: Simulation of metals

From:  "David M. Schrader" <David.Schrader %-% at %-%>
Date:  Mon, 04 May 1998 11:25:43 -0600 (CST)
Subject:  Cusp-satisfying atomic orbitals