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Up Directory CCL August 03, 1993 [001]
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From:  apa -8 at 8-
Date:  Tue, 3 Aug 1993 13:39:48 +1000
Subject:  Re: ESP-fitted Point Charges

In reply to "M.E.Davis and any other guy in state of confusion"
Modesto Orozco> writes:
>A lot of people is using semiempirical methods to obtain MEPs and then fit the
>ESP charges. The semiempirical ESP and ab initio charges correlate well and
>it was suggested to use the slope of the regression line abinitio = c* semiemp
>as a scaling factor. The charges are determined at the smiempirical level
>ng the constrain that SUMQ=0.0) and after this are scaled, since SUMQ=0,
>l are 0 and the monopole is conserved (not the dipole of course).
I would like some clarification on this highlighted point. The ESP'ified MOPAC
that I'm using will produce a set of atom-centered point charges which are
least-squares-fitted to reproduce the MOPAC semiempirical electrostatic
potential.  If the DIPOLE or DIPX/DIPY/DIPZ keywords are used, the fitting
procedure will also be constrained to reproduce the dipole moment (or x-,
y- or z- components).
MOPAC seems only to allow this constraint if the molecule is neutral.

Why is this?

Taking the ammonium ion as an example, why cannot the semiempirical esp be
fitted to a set of 5 N- and H-centered point-charges, chosen so that the
overall charge is +1 and dipole moment is zero in x-, y- and z- directions?
Alan Arnold                          |  e-mail: apa ^at^
Chem. Department,University College  |  voice : +61 6 268 8080
Australian Defence Force Academy     |  fax   : +61 6 268 8002
CANBERRA  ACT 2601 Australia         |

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