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Up Directory CCL February 10, 1995 [008]
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From:  nick $#at#$ BCH.UMontreal.CA (Nick Blom)
Date:  Fri, 10 Feb 95 10:07:53 -0500
Subject:  rotational sampling

same message posted on protein-crystallography %! at !%

Dear ,

I am looking for an algorithm which gives me a uniform, non-redundant, sampling
of the rotation function based on a equal stepsize in all three directions. I
know that a lot of people have already designed such an algorithm, thus in
order to prevent me from re-doing other (wo)mans work, I am posting this
question on the net. Results can be either Euler-, Lattman-, spherical angles,
quaternions or the rotation matrices themselves. Can anyone be of help?

Thanks for the effort,

Nick Blom

Dr. Nick Blom			    Tel  : +1-514-3436111 ext 5352
Departement de Biochimie	    Fax  : +1-514-3432210
Universite de Montreal		    Email: nick' at \`
C.P. 6128, Station Centre-Ville
Montreal, PQ, H3C 3J7

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