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Up Directory CCL February 28, 1995 [017]
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From:  "Anthony Lemus" <ANTHONY $#at#$>
Date:  Tue, 28 Feb 1995 12:46:24 EST
Subject:  Results of Graduate Programs query

I am posting the results of my query of PhD programs in
computational chemistry for all those who requested  this information.
Thanks to all those who replied and sorry for the delay in compiling
this data:

Quantum Theory Project,
University of Florida at Gainesville.
The Quantum Theory Project is the home of ZINDO, ACESII, AMPAC,
FLIMMSY, etc. and such luminaries as Michael Zerner, Rod Bartlett,
and Nigel Richards, etc.

Quantum Theory Project,
Williamson Hall,
University of Florida,
Gainesville FL 32611

There is a comp. chem. program here at UC Berkeley.
And I believe that Stanford, Cornell, Madison WI,
Caltech, and UCLA  also have good programs.

Clayton Springer
Consider Rutgers University in New Jersey.  They have several
professors there working on various aspects of theoretical
chemistry.  You may also want to look at the University of Georgia.
						Jeff Nauss
The Univ. of Houston has the chemical physics program joint by
physics and engineering departments. The professors in
computatinal area are: B.M. Pettitt, D.J. Kouri, T.A. Albright,
There is a program at Bryn Mawr College (near Philadelphia in
Michelle M. Francl
Associate Professor of Chemistry
Bryn Mawr College
Bryn Mawr, PA 19010
        The ACS sells a CD-ROM called Directory of Graduate Research.
is a chemical science directory of all colleges and universities
chemistry curriculums.  I can send you a brochure on it if you like?
met me know.
                                                        Nan Butterworth
I received a forwarded message from Dr. Jim Gano of our department
that you
were interested in graduate studies in computational chemistry.  Dr.
Hua Guo
of our department is a nationally recognized computational physical
If you would like information on his research, our graduate program in
chemistry, please send me your address and I will have the
information mailed
to you.
Jon Kirchhoff
Chairman, Graduate Admissions Committee
The University of Toledo
      I don't know if there is a degree in comp. chem. anywhere, but
Jorgensen at Yale is well known in the field.  In practice, you get your
degree in either Physical chemistry or organic chemistry (or perhaps
a more
bio related field) depending on your major interests.  This is true with
most people in the field.  (I got my degree from Bill).
      In addition, there is Peter Kollman at USCF pharmacy school, Ken
at UCLA, Andy McCammon at UCSD, all having somewhat different
focuses within
the field of computational chemistry.
      There are quite a few more, but those are most of the big names
Karplus at Harvard) as a starting point.
      Take care,


Anthony Lemus                       (813) 974-3427
-Systems Analyst
University of South Florida         Anthony %-% at %-%
College of Medicine

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