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Up Directory CCL October 02, 1996 [016]
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From:  <kiralj %-% at %-%>
Date:  Tue, 01 Oct 1996 16:53:18 MET-DST

Dear Netters,

where can I find out or how can I generate the torsional paremeters
for 3-2-2-6 dihedral angle in Allinger's MM3(92)? 3 is Csp2
carbonyl, 2 is Csp2 alkene, and 6 is O from C-O-H. I shall
appreciate any help or suggestion


Rudolf Kiralj
Rudjer Boskovic Institute
P.O.B. 1016
HR-10001 Zagreb, Croatia
e-mail: kiralj(-(at)-)

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